Philly Tax Lien Sales are back…Don’t Forget Title Insurance

It’s July 2024 and Philly Tax Sales are back!

Philly is starved for tax revenue and housing units.  The restart of Tax Lien Sales can help if conducted with fairness and transparency.

As an investor, make sure you incorporate getting clear title as part of Tax Lien investments.  Here’s a quick, easy refresher on why you should get title insurance.

Two different paths for title insurance on Sheriff… Read more

I feel like I’m in the dating world: How much should I chase after follow-ups?


Imagine this: 9th grade Anita.  Hurrying home from high school and racing to my Amma’s bedroom across from mine where there was an off-white corded phone on her nightstand.  Plopping down.  Waiting.  And waiting.  Day after day as the school’s Sadie Hawkins dance approached.  I had asked the boy.  He had smiled.  There was no response…yet.  (more on this story later in the post)

Folks, I need a rule … Read more

I Calendar Block Nearly Every Minute of My Day…and I Meet My Targets

A Sunday Hyper-Calendar Example

Why I Started Hyper-Calendaring

The most precious individual resources we have are time and health.  While much of health is genetic and/or hereditary as well as environmental, the rest of it is entirely dependent upon what we do with our time.  I was hit upside the head with this when I had my health challenges last year.  The only actionable thing I could do per my doctors was to exercise … Read more

How I Vetted and Hired our Property Manager, and the importance of Managing Your Property Manager

Increase your NOI and Free Time with a good property manager No construction experience?

For a newbie real estate investor, articles abound regarding managing your properties yourself.  The discussion topics range from how to choose a good one, the importance of having one, balancing time over costs, not being penny wise pound foolish, what to do if you live in a different location, and so on.

On the one hand, I’m a woman of color with more MacGyver-like skills than construction … Read more

The Moment I Realized My Tween Values Experiences Over Things

Why is this value important to me?

Who amongst us, contemplating parenting, hasn’t read an article or book (or 20) about raising kids with the right mindset?  For each parent, what “right” means is individualized, to be sure.  One thing I do find common amongst parents is the hope to raise a child who values experiences over material things.  All experiences – the easy ones, the hard ones (heard of … Read more

Why Lenders Love to Work with Me

Organization engenders trust

Here’s a confession: I think organized people are more trustworthy.  I hate wasting time (fully acknowledging what “wasting” is varies person to person).  I take pride in being efficient.  I even said to my husband once that “being organized” means being able to locate something in 60 seconds or less.  (Maybe I even said 30 seconds…?)

I think being organized is a choice.  It represents personal values.  One can be … Read more

Anita Book II: The First Chapter is Written

At 5:28 am on Thursday June 6th, 2024, I finally did it.  I finally finished something I started.  It may have taken me 4+ years, but I did it.  And I did it in a way that I am confident will stick.

In 2020, which for me is far more marked by the sudden loss of my mother that January from a suspected heart attack than the Coronavirus pandemic, I … Read more

5 Tips for Your Totally Unplanned Staycation


An unplanned staycation is a recipe for wasted time and missed potential.

If you’re a parent of small children, a spouse, a busy entrepreneur and a leader in a large company, it probably sounds like heaven to have your spouse say to you “Babe, I think you should take a staycation.  Stay at a hotel in the city for a couple of nights and just relax.  I got your … Read more

Startup Parenthood: Can Diversity in the workplace be legislated?

Gender balance in the workplaceWe are not there yet

After a hiatus in this series due largely to helping my team kick ass at RJMetrics over the past quarter or so, I’m back, and I’m fired up.

This 6th post was to round out a series of 3 posts about what does flexibility in the workplace mean about company culture.  I find myself in a place where I see the enabling of flexibility is … Read more

Startup Parenthood: Should you ask that question about parenthood?

Should you ask that question?


(Image courtesy of


There are a fair number of jokes and warnings out there about not asking certain kinds of questions, particularly around pregnancy.  There’s not asking a woman if she’s pregnant.  There’s also caution about saying whether the woman is pregnant, or the couple is (i.e. is the non-ankle-swelling, non-fatigued-as-I-don’t-know-what partner allowed to say that he/she is also pregnant when their partner is?).  There’s even my … Read more